Break Through Tech - home page


Building a more

Inclusive, Equitable, Diverse

tech ecosystem


168体彩网开奖历史查询记录号码 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖 手机版开奖结果历史. Because the future of innovation depends on all of us.

57% of all college degrees are awarded to women...

...but only 2% are in computer science and tech disciplines.


“Our first line of defense against AI-related issues of bias, fairness, and ethics is the diversity of the people who are in the room and at the table where the design, development, deployment and policy decisions are being made.”

Dr. Judith Spitz she/her
Founder and Executive Director of Break Through Tech, former CIO at Verizon
Profile of student in audience



We deliver innovative programs that break down barriers so women and non-binary students can break through in tech education and tech careers.

Chrystal Mingo

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Chrystal Mingo she/her
Business Technology Analyst at Citigroup; Break Through Tech New York alum
Read the rest of the story in the New York Times
Only 25% of computing jobs are held by women – down from 32% in 1990 and unchanged since 2016

Source: Pew Research


A.I. Program Aims to Break Barriers for Female Students

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors for artificial intelligence careers.

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Kicking off Women’s History Month at the New York Stock Exchange

On March 1st, Break Through Tech kicked off Women’s History Month by partnering with Boss Beauties to host an event at the New York Stock Exchange.

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Allie K. Miller Energizes our Student Community

This August, we were thrilled to welcome more than 500 exceptional women and non-binary college students from 36 universities nationwide to our Bridge to AI Studio event at Cornell Tech in NYC. Their experience was enriched by the presence and keynote address of an extraordinary voice and a foremost authority on Artificial Intelligence: Allie K. Miller.

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Explore a 幸运十开奖结果记录澳洲体彩 Location

map of Illinoic with Chicago highlighted


Chicago has a diverse and growing talent pool and a robust tech ecosystem.

Partnered with The University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)

New York State with NYC highlighted

New York City

New York City is home to more than a half million college students and America’s largest metro economy.

Partnered with City University of New York (CUNY), Cornell Tech